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Staff & team development
human resources / HR related

Support CEO to manage, develop & retain talent

We can create accountability and ways to manage staff and structure and facilitate team and individual meetings. We can suggest ways to develop and train your team. And we can recruit for open roles for you.

Collaborative goal setting

We can work collaboratively, by involving team members in the company and employee level goal setting process to promote ownership, commitment and a shared sense of purpose.

Job descriptions

Based on the goals, we can define and structure employee roles and create clear job descriptions for current and future team members.

Positive cultural alignment

We can help foster a positive team culture that aligns with the values and vision of your organization by shaping and reinforcing innovation and a commitment to excellence within the workplace.

Clear communication & expectations establishing

We can establish transparent communication channels to ensure team members understand the goals, expectations, and overall direction that align with your business objectives. This will foster a culture of accountability.

Comp plans creation

We can help you create comp plans including salary and bonus incentives to motivate your team to align with your values and goals.

Skill development & training

We can identify any skill gaps and implement training programs based on your company's needs that improve your team's capabilities and allow for professional development and growth.

Feedback & performance reviews

We can develop an employee raise and review process customized for your business. We can also conduct performance reviews and feedback sessions to provide your team with valuable insights, both to recognize their achievements and address opportunities for growth.

Other HR projects

We can be your outsourced HR department for an array of other HR matters—creation and maintenance of org charts, employee handbook creation, rules disseminating, handling employee issues, performing employee check-ins so your team feels they are heard and knows they are valued.

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Operations help we provide

Strategic planning

Coaching & advising

Business projects & project management

Operations & process improvement

Revenue growth

Money, finance & legal

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